Ideas and inspiration

This is where I write my wild and wacky and/seriously interesting ideas… I would love to hear your thoughts – either through the comments or through linkedin (I will leave a link to linkedin posts if it’s easier for you to comment there)

Better resources for car-free parents – More information for parent’s to help them work out how to use car-free options safely and simply – think expo’s set up in parks for parent’s to trial different bicycle options (with a weight instead of kids), better info on safety recommendations for different bicycle set ups, and how to best hold your children in buses etc. Parent’s are safety obsessed and tired, so let’s make it easy for them to feel confident on whatever transport option they take. 

Teachers riding to school and panniers for the ride – As part of encouraging cycling to school, let’s look outside the box – and facilitate teachers to ride to school as a role model for the kids they teach. This may include providing panniers that can carry all the work they need to take home … I’m keen to hear your thoughts on the humble pannier and if you’re a teacher what would help make your ride to school better?

Normalising and facilitating car-free tourism! I’ve started a car-free tourist guide for my regional city (Newcastle) but I would love to see it for other cities and as the norm within tourism offerings – directions for non-car transport to destinations – hotels, airbnbs, attractions etc. I also have planned a car-free tourism app, if anyone wants to take on this as a project I’m happy to share what I’ve done. What ideas do you have in this space?? Do you want to make a car-free tourist guide for where you live?

Free public transport for parents with babies under 1 – it’s a moment of life changes, logistics and sleep deprivation where governments already help out, why not encourage young families to experience seamless public transport which is forgiving if you get the wrong bus and help avoid that impulsive buy of a ridiculous SUV in a momentum of panic…. thoughts?

The Big Drawcard – a collection of drawings made by the general population of what we love and want to protect – and therefore a drawcard to motivate us to improve our transport and other parts of our culture, cities and industry in all sorts of ways.

On my Way in May -Something to get you motivated for a month of moving….A commitment you make to yourself to improve an aspect of your commute (or any regular transport), that you try to keep for a whole month